How we Think
It has become increasingly difficult for gamers who want an escape from the current sociopolitical climate in the pastime of gaming. Our goal is to provide gamers a sanctuary from the non-sense. As we expand and grow our site and brand, we will continue to provide honest content while trying our best to avoid our own cultural and political biases.

I have been playing games for what feels like my whole life. My favorite memories from playing video games as a child are still rich in my head and will always be cherished as some of the most exhilarating times I have had with the friends that I made from all around the world. It is one of the few things that have not changed since growing into adulthood and taking on all the responsibilities that come along with it. I have sunk thousands of hours into counterstrike, rocket league, and Garry’s mod. Not only for the gameplay although all three provide some of the most genuine entertainment I have ever experienced, but also for the communities within them.

No matter what was going on in my life, video games have always been a part of it. It is my favorite hobby, my favorite sport and my favorite way to meet new people.I believe most games are fun and unique in their own way and it’s always fun playing someone else’s vision of what they think would make a great game. There is a game out there for everybody and the library of games is forever expanding. I just want to help people discover the hidden gems you didn’t even know existed and maybe even broaden your video game horizon.

If a game has things like gear, skills, and stats that allow me to theorycraft my own builds, I’m on board. Been a huge ARPG fan since the first Diablo and really started my build ideas in Diablo 2. ARPGs aren’t the ONLY thing I’m into though; any games with a great storyline, awesome character, and some superb writing will draw me in as well.